Thankful For The Ride, And Thankful For You!
No matter how we go about it, riding a bike is one of life’s simple pleasures. The freedom, the exercise, even just the air moving past are all things we can be thankful for when we’re on our bicycles. Although this time of year can be hectic, it's also the time when we try and pause and reflect on everything we’re grateful for. We’d like to share some thankful thoughts from our crew here at Contender, and also thank *you* for supporting us in helping deliver cycling joy. Being vocationally immersed in the cycling world is something to be thankful for in and of itself, but what else comes to mind around the shop? Here's what some of our team members and friends had to say:
Ryan - "I'm grateful to for two laps on 'The Brink' trail in early November!'
Sam - "That my car can sit in my driveway. I fuel my body, and that fuels my bike."
Alison - "Solitude."

Madeline - "Whether it's in the woods, the desert, or even the city, I can see things from my bike I wouldn't see any other way."
Nick - "I'm grateful for all the people I work with here!"
Cody - "I'm thankful it's still great riding weather! We live in a great place."
Kristin - "I love that I can avoid road rage (100% bike commuter since 2009!). I'm also grateful for winter riding gear!"

Ed D - "For how the change of season tends to empty out the trails, especially in the morning."
Ivan - "...For stellar views from the bike, and kick'n it on descents!"
Anders - "Downhills! And the amazing suspension tech that makes them possible."

As the author of this piece, I have the luxury of going last, and elaborating a little more. But I think I generally speak for all of us when I say I'm honestly grateful for every ride. It sounds cliche, but life can come at you fast and you never know when you might be off the bike for a while. I've learned that it doesn't have to take much to find simple joy on a bicycle. Be thankful for every moment you can spend on wheels, and strive to help others do the same. Spread love and be safe this season, on the bike and off.