Rise of The Harvest Moon

Rise of The Harvest Moon

Written by Contender Bicycles, on September 10, 2022

The Harvest Moon has been traditionally used by farmers to aid in the harvest of summer grown crops. An abundance of bright light early in the evening creates more opportunity to finish what couldn't be done in the days dwindling sunlight. 

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This Harvest Moon will appear September 9th-11th, which signals a change of seasons into Fall and the transition into the best riding of the year. The dry desert heat of Utah starts to become a little more forgiving and the tree foliage transitions into the golden colors we cherish. We encourage you to take off down your favorite trails as this transformation happens, you won’t regret it. 

Orbea Rise mountain bike under the full moon Contender Bicycles

 With the excitement of the transition into fall signaled by the rise of the Harvest Moon, we are offering up to $1,160 off on all Orbea Rise bikes until September 26th! The Orbea Rise allows for expansive fall exploration and enables a rider to cover a much greater distance in the same amount of time thanks to the electric assist. 

Orbea Rise mountain bike under the full moon Contender Bicycles


Although most of us are not farmers harvesting our summer crop, we can still relate to not having enough hours in the day. As cyclists we can take advantage of this added moonlight by sneaking in some extra evening rides this weekend. Switch up your riding routine and go for an after dinner ride to experience your favorite trails in a vastly different setting. Although it will certainly create a strong glow, moonlight from the full moon will not be fully sufficient to safely guide you along the path. Be sure to still charge up headlights and taillights to properly see your way. 

We hope you enjoy the rise of this upcoming full moon, the immaculate cycling experience of fall, and we look forward to seeing you out on the trails.

Words by Michael Hendricks. Images by Carter Hall.


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